Discover, Re-align and Renew
Work Together 1:1

Get your energy, resilience and your sense of self and vitality back!

You don’t have to keep struggling with bloating, painful periods, moodiness and weight gain. You don’t have to keep wondering how your list of troublesome symptoms will go away.

Let’s dig deep and find the true root(s) of your symptoms!

You feel bloated most of the day and it often gets worse with each meal in the day. And/or you have eliminated so many foods but still have belly pain and bloating most days.

This is a sign that there is something deeper going on with your digestion. We discover what that is through functional stool testing and food sensitivity testing. We learn so much about what is happening and I write a recommended supplement and nutrition protocol to achieve healing and balance.

Despite your best efforts, you can’t seem to shed that excess weight.

Poor sleep, less than ideal nutrition, and stress all conspire to pack on the pounds. Weight gain, especially around the middle is a sign that you are stressed to the point that it’s affecting your physiology – and that affects everything. Re-aligning this trifecta can help you lose weight in your sleep. Not kidding.

You have painful periods that are unpredictable and/or you experience horrible symptoms leading up to your cycle.

Your hormones govern so much about your health and we need to check your levels and support you so that you feel better. Periods should not be painful and unpredictable.

Friends and maybe even your doctor have told you this is a normal part of aging.

I don’t agree! Feeling less than optimal is not acceptable at any age. Even if you are in perimenopause, have hormone imbalances or have adrenal fatigue- we can work together to regain your vitality no matter what age!

You are experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness and low energy.

Sounds like perimenopause or maybe even true menopause! It happens to all of us but the transition does not have to so terrible! With the right changes in lifestyle, nutrition and priorities this transition can be a smooth one! I love to support this!

If you are struggling with painful bloating, constipation, diarrhea, painful periods, absent periods, moodiness, irritability, let’s get you aligned! I invite you to join….

Discover, Re-align, and Renew:

6 month 1:1 program

Discover: Learn about your gut health, food sensitivites, sex hormones and adrenal hormones.

  • deep dive into your health history, eating and lifestyle habits
  • testing gut, food sensitivities, sex hormones and adrenal hormones (we decide in our discovery session what would be optimal for you)
  • prioritize your own vitality
  • apply functional nutrition to your life

Re-align: Results of the functional testing are back.

  • Personalized protocols for optimal healing and alignment
  • Review of nutrition and lifestyle tracking and adjustments
  • Clear plan for supplementation, nutrition and lifestyle changes

Renew: completion of protocols for gut and/or hormone healing

  • Review of nutrition tracking, lifestyle and supplementation
  • Plan for going forward with supplementation, lifestyle and nutrition
  • Tweaking anything that still isn’t quite right
  • Enjoy your new vitality!

You don’t have to continue to suffer with painful bloating, brutal periods, mood and energy swings. You don’t have to continue with confusion over your nutrition.

It doesn’t have to be confusing!

Together we discover what’s going on in your body and where it’s out of alignment. We discover the best way to nourish YOUR body at this time in your life. It’s very individual. What works for your best friend may never work for you- we figure that out! 

Here’s How It Works

We meet for an initial 90-minute consult where you get to share your complete story. Hearing your story helps me to identify the best, and most impactful places for us to dig deep, helping you to feel your best as quickly as possible.

Initial Consult (90 minutes):

In this session we will discuss:

  • Review of detailed history form
  • Your specific struggles & frustrations
  • What you’ve tried in the past that didn’t work
  • discussion about functional testing for gut, food sensititveis, adrenal and sex hormones
  • intro to tracking your food, mood, poop
  • intro to functional nutrition, elimination of inflammatory foods
  • a collaborative plan for moving forward to heal which will cover nutrition, supplements and lifestyle

After our initial session, we’ll meet weekly via phone or zoom for 30-45 minutes for support and accountability.

Once functional lab tests results have returned we will meet for another 90 minutes to discuss recommended protocols in light of the results.

Bi-weekly check ins (30 minutes):

During these sessions, we will:

  • Review journals to learn more about what foods work well and not as well in your body
  • Review these journals to help keep us on track towards your goal of better sleep, more energy, and a better overall mood.
  • Review labs if applicable
  • Celebrate your wins, big and small
  • Provide accountability to keep you on track
  • Set you up with the support you need to maintain these changes for the long run.

This is for you if:

  • you suffer with painful gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation
  • you have eliminated foods and are still suffering with poor digestion
  • you have painful periods
  • you have no period
  • you are exhausted or your energy varies
  • you are moody and just do not feel like yourself
  • you have weight loss resistance or new weight gain, particularly around the middle
  • You are ready to find the answers that eliminate your digestive and hormonal symptoms, not just cover them up
  • you are ready for change and would like guidance, support and accountability through your health journey

This is NOT for you if:

  • You are not willing to make your own health a priority
  • You don’t want to make diet or lifestyle changes
  • You are looking for a quick fix
  • You are not willing to invest in yourself

Other ways to work with me….

Blood Chemistry

This includes a blood draw to check in on all basic bodily functions. This includes general blood cells, immunity, thyroid health, cardiometabolic health, lipid panel, Vit D, liver health, kidney health, etc. I do not and cannot make any kind of diagnosis but I can look out for anything that may be slightly or greatly out of range and support you with nutrition, supplemtnations and lifestyle recommendations to help get these numbers in a healthy and functional range.

INCLUDED: blood test, consult to review results, recommendations for nutrition, supplements and lifestyle going forward.


Blood Chemistry with Genetic Testing

3x4 Genetics

This includes the blood panel above but then includes a genetic test through 3×4 which uncovers your genetic variants, which gives you insight into how your cells and systems function and shows the impact of the foods you eat and the environment around you and more. Genetic testing reveals how your body works at a cellular level guiding you in the right direction for YOU including exercise, food and nutrients and how your body stores and utilizes fat. Also how caffeine affects you and how your metabolism functions.

Knowing your genes and how they affect your body can give you insights into many different aspects of your health and wellness so that you can make better choices each day about actions that affect you. Pairing this with blood testing can also confirm if your current choices are serving your health and longevity goals.

INCLUDED: blood test, 3×4 genetic test, consult to review results of both tests and how they relate to each other, recommendations for nutrition, supplements and lifestyle going forward.

About Me

Hi! I’m Anne, a registered nurse, certified gentle sleep coach, functional medicine certified health coach, restorative wellness practitioner, positive psychology life coach, and environmental toxin specialist.

As a busy mom of three children, I know exactly what it feels like to be exhausted, spread thin, experiencing terrible digestive pain, and putting my health and needs last on my list.

In 2012, I began working as a child sleep consultant, helping new moms tackle the challenge of establishing healthy sleep patterns for their babies. What I noticed though is that long after their kids were out of the crib, moms were themselves having sleep issues, along with all kinds of other health problems like brain fog, headaches, fatigue, weight gain, and digestive issues.

I too was really struggling with painful and embarrassing digestive issues. I was desperate to fix my health! I saw several doctors who were not helpful so I began my mission to heal myself. I tried many different approaches to eating (Lowfod map, paleo, keto, carnivore, lots of variations of elimination diets). I saw nutritionists, homeopaths, naturopathic doctors and I enrolled in many certification programs.

I have tried nearly everything (it feels like- but I’m sure there’s more!) so that you don’t have to! I took parts from all the practitioners, courses, cleanses, detoxes, and diets, and my own experience to heal my gut! It’s not perfect but it’s so much better and I’ve discovered my specific needs for my body at this time in my life!

Nobody needs to struggle through this much experimentation! While there is certainly no quick fix and some trial and error is necessary, my years of struggle and determination now give me the experience to help others heal without such a long journey. I’d love to guide you through gut healing and learning the foods that work for you and so that you feel great in your skin again!

Anne Grier